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File: fwphp/glomodul/mkd/html2mkd/src/node.js

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  Classes of Slavko Srakocic   B12 PHP FW   fwphp/glomodul/mkd/html2mkd/src/node.js   Download  
File: fwphp/glomodul/mkd/html2mkd/src/node.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: B12 PHP FW
Manage database records with a PDO CRUD interface
Author: By
Last change: Update of fwphp/glomodul/mkd/html2mkd/src/node.js
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 1,528 bytes



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import { isBlock, isVoid, hasVoid } from './utilities' export default function Node (node) { node.isBlock = isBlock(node) node.isCode = node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'code' || node.parentNode.isCode node.isBlank = isBlank(node) node.flankingWhitespace = flankingWhitespace(node) return node } function isBlank (node) { return ( ['A', 'TH', 'TD', 'IFRAME', 'SCRIPT', 'AUDIO', 'VIDEO'].indexOf(node.nodeName) === -1 && /^\s*$/i.test(node.textContent) && !isVoid(node) && !hasVoid(node) ) } function flankingWhitespace (node) { var leading = '' var trailing = '' if (!node.isBlock) { var hasLeading = /^\s/.test(node.textContent) var hasTrailing = /\s$/.test(node.textContent) var blankWithSpaces = node.isBlank && hasLeading && hasTrailing if (hasLeading && !isFlankedByWhitespace('left', node)) { leading = ' ' } if (!blankWithSpaces && hasTrailing && !isFlankedByWhitespace('right', node)) { trailing = ' ' } } return { leading: leading, trailing: trailing } } function isFlankedByWhitespace (side, node) { var sibling var regExp var isFlanked if (side === 'left') { sibling = node.previousSibling regExp = / $/ } else { sibling = node.nextSibling regExp = /^ / } if (sibling) { if (sibling.nodeType === 3) { isFlanked = regExp.test(sibling.nodeValue) } else if (sibling.nodeType === 1 && !isBlock(sibling)) { isFlanked = regExp.test(sibling.textContent) } } return isFlanked }