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File: examples/aim/createTransactionRequest_authOnly.php

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  Classes of John Conde   PHP Integration with JSON API   examples/aim/createTransactionRequest_authOnly.php   Download  
File: examples/aim/createTransactionRequest_authOnly.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: PHP Integration with JSON API
Process online payments with API
Author: By
Last change: Removed style="text/css" from examples
Updated namespacing to be PSR-0/4 compliant
Improved example to show how more data is accessed
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 10,835 bytes



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<?php /* * This file is part of the AuthnetJSON package. * * (c) John Conde <> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ /************************************************************************************************* Use the AIM JSON API to process an Authorization Only transaction SAMPLE REQUEST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { "createTransactionRequest":{ "merchantAuthentication":{ "name":"", "transactionKey":"" }, "refId":14290435, "transactionRequest":{ "transactionType":"authOnlyTransaction", "amount":5, "payment":{ "creditCard":{ "cardNumber":"5424000000000015", "expirationDate":"122020", "cardCode":"999" } }, "order":{ "invoiceNumber":"1324567890", "description":"this is a test transaction" }, "lineItems":{ "lineItem":{ "itemId":"1", "name":"vase", "description":"Cannes logo", "quantity":"18", "unitPrice":"45.00" } }, "tax":{ "amount":"4.26", "name":"level2 tax name", "description":"level2 tax" }, "duty":{ "amount":"8.55", "name":"duty name", "description":"duty description" }, "shipping":{ "amount":"4.26", "name":"level2 tax name", "description":"level2 tax" }, "poNumber":"456654", "customer":{ "id":"18", "email":"" }, "billTo":{ "firstName":"Ellen", "lastName":"Johnson", "company":"Souveniropolis", "address":"14 Main Street", "city":"Pecan Springs", "state":"TX", "zip":"44628", "country":"USA" }, "shipTo":{ "firstName":"China", "lastName":"Bayles", "company":"Thyme for Tea", "address":"12 Main Street", "city":"Pecan Springs", "state":"TX", "zip":"44628", "country":"USA" }, "customerIP":"", "transactionSettings":{ "setting":{ "settingName":"testRequest", "settingValue":"false" } }, "userFields":{ "userField":{ "name":"favorite_color", "value":"blue" } } } } } SAMPLE RESPONSE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { "transactionResponse":{ "responseCode":"1", "authCode":"7M6LIT", "avsResultCode":"Y", "cvvResultCode":"P", "cavvResultCode":"2", "transId":"2228545782", "refTransID":"", "transHash":"6210B3AEC49FC269036D42F9681459A9", "testRequest":"0", "accountNumber":"XXXX0015", "accountType":"MasterCard", "messages":[ { "code":"1", "description":"This transaction has been approved." } ], "userFields":[ { "name":"favorite_color", "value":"blue" } ] }, "refId":"65376587", "messages":{ "resultCode":"Ok", "message":[ { "code":"I00001", "text":"Successful." } ] } } *************************************************************************************************/ namespace Authnetjson; use Exception; require '../../'; try { $request = AuthnetApiFactory::getJsonApiHandler( AUTHNET_LOGIN, AUTHNET_TRANSKEY, AuthnetApiFactory::USE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER ); $response = $request->createTransactionRequest([ 'refId' => random_int(1000000, 100000000), 'transactionRequest' => [ 'transactionType' => 'authOnlyTransaction', 'amount' => 5, 'payment' => [ 'creditCard' => [ 'cardNumber' => '5424000000000015', 'expirationDate' => '122020', 'cardCode' => '999', ], ], 'order' => [ 'invoiceNumber' => '1324567890', 'description' => 'this is a test transaction', ], 'lineItems' => [ 'lineItem' => [ 'itemId' => '1', 'name' => 'vase', 'description' => 'Cannes logo', 'quantity' => '18', 'unitPrice' => '45.00', ], ], 'tax' => [ 'amount' => '4.26', 'name' => 'level2 tax name', 'description' => 'level2 tax', ], 'duty' => [ 'amount' => '8.55', 'name' => 'duty name', 'description' => 'duty description', ], 'shipping' => [ 'amount' => '4.26', 'name' => 'level2 tax name', 'description' => 'level2 tax', ], 'poNumber' => '456654', 'customer' => [ 'id' => '18', 'email' => '', ], 'billTo' => [ 'firstName' => 'Ellen', 'lastName' => 'Johnson', 'company' => 'Souveniropolis', 'address' => '14 Main Street', 'city' => 'Pecan Springs', 'state' => 'TX', 'zip' => '44628', 'country' => 'USA', ], 'shipTo' => [ 'firstName' => 'China', 'lastName' => 'Bayles', 'company' => 'Thyme for Tea', 'address' => '12 Main Street', 'city' => 'Pecan Springs', 'state' => 'TX', 'zip' => '44628', 'country' => 'USA', ], 'customerIP' => '', 'transactionSettings' => [ 'setting' => [ 0 => [ 'settingName' =>'allowPartialAuth', 'settingValue' => 'false' ], 1 => [ 'settingName' => 'duplicateWindow', 'settingValue' => '0' ], 2 => [ 'settingName' => 'emailCustomer', 'settingValue' => 'false' ], 3 => [ 'settingName' => 'recurringBilling', 'settingValue' => 'false' ], 4 => [ 'settingName' => 'testRequest', 'settingValue' => 'false' ] ] ], 'userFields' => [ 'userField' => [ 0 => [ 'name' => 'MerchantDefinedFieldName1', 'value' => 'MerchantDefinedFieldValue1', ], 1 => [ 'name' => 'favorite_color', 'value' => 'blue', ], ], ], ], ]); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e; exit; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Payment :: Authorize Only (AUTH_ONLY)</title> <style> table { border: 1px solid #cccccc; margin: auto; border-collapse: collapse; max-width: 90%; } table td { padding: 3px 5px; vertical-align: top; border-top: 1px solid #cccccc; } pre { white-space: pre-wrap; } table th { background: #e5e5e5; color: #666666; } h1, h2 { text-align: center; } </style> </head> <body> <h1> Payment :: Authorize Only (AUTH_ONLY) </h1> <h2> Results </h2> <table> <tr> <th>Response</th> <td><?= $response->messages->resultCode ?></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Successful?</th> <td><?= $response->isSuccessful() ? 'yes' : 'no' ?></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Error?</th> <td><?= $response->isError() ? 'yes' : 'no' ?></td> </tr> <?php if ($response->isSuccessful()) : ?> <tr> <th>Description</th> <td><?= $response->transactionResponse->messages[0]->description ?></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Authorization Code</th> <td><?= $response->transactionResponse->authCode ?></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Transaction ID</th> <td><?= $response->transactionResponse->transId ?></td> </tr> <tr> <th>AVS Result Code</th> <td><?= $response->transactionResponse->avsResultCode ?></td> </tr> <tr> <th>CVV Result Code</th> <td><?= $response->transactionResponse->cvvResultCode ?></td> </tr> <tr> <th>CAVV Result Code</th> <td><?= $response->transactionResponse->cavvResultCode ?></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Account Number</th> <td><?= $response->transactionResponse->accountNumber ?></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Account Type</th> <td><?= $response->transactionResponse->accountType ?></td> </tr> <tr> <th>refId</th> <td><?= $response->refId ?></td> </tr> <?php foreach ($response->transactionResponse->userFields as $userField) : ?> <tr> <th><?= $userField->name ?></th> <td><?= $userField->value ?></td> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?> <?php elseif ($response->isError()) : ?> <tr> <th>Error Code</th> <td><?= $response->getErrorCode() ?></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Error Message</th> <td><?= $response->getErrorText() ?></td> </tr> <?php endif; ?> </table> <h2> Raw Input/Output </h2> <?= $request, $response ?> </body> </html>