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File: fwphp/glomodul/mkd/01/001_instalac/

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  Classes of Slavko Srakocic   B12 PHP FW   fwphp/glomodul/mkd/01/001_instalac/   Download  
File: fwphp/glomodul/mkd/01/001_instalac/
Role: Example script
Content type: text/markdown
Description: Example script
Class: B12 PHP FW
Manage database records with a PDO CRUD interface
Author: By
Last change: Update of fwphp/glomodul/mkd/01/001_instalac/
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 10,180 bytes


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Pair example

a skeleton project to use Pair PHP Framework easily

Quick start


Choose a name for your new project and create a new folder where to install Pair_example:

$ mkdir project_name
$ cd project_name

Now you can create a new project manually or by using Composer, that allows to easily update Pair framework.

<a name="composer">Composer</a>

You can ask Composer to create the project into your new folder. Composer download it.

Launch a command-line terminal and create a new composer project named project_name: $ composer create-project viames/pair_example project_name_eg_pair_user



cd J:\awww\www\zbig

$ composer7 create-project viames/pair_example pair_user

Installing viames/pair_example (1.4.2)
  - Installing viames/pair_example (1.4.2): Downloading (100%)
Created project in pair_user
Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file
Package operations: 1 install, 0 updates, 0 removals
  - Installing viames/pair (1.4.1): Downloading (100%)
viames/pair suggests installing ext-xdebug (*)
Generating autoload files

cd pair_user
composer7 update

  - Updating viames/pair (1.4.1 => 1.4.2): Downloading (100%)
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files


<a name="manual-installation">Manual installation</a>

  1. Download Pair_example?s latest available release;
  2. Unzip the content into your project folder;
  3. Run your browser at web-server root and add the sub-url as configured in `BASE_URI` constant of config.php.


When launched http://dev1:8083/zbig/pair_user/

Pair framework will check J:\awww\www\zbig\pair_user\config.php file and, because it isn?t existing (bundled), starts web installer interface. Fill in all required data and in a second your Pair application will be up and running. If filled bad, slowwwwww, never ended. New database pair2 has been created Charset and collation will be forced to utf8mb4 Created a new user, please keep note.

Username: [email protected]

Password: xkF-XjO-BsO-wQ5

Installer was deleted

You can now use pair_user v1.0. Please login at url: /zbig/pair_user

In case you written something wrong in the config.php file, you can edit it manually. This is the file content


// product
define ('PRODUCT_VERSION', '1.0');
define ('PRODUCT_NAME', 'Your application name');    // pair_user
define ('BASE_URI', '/any_subpath_on_url');                    // on J:\awww\www  /zbig/pair_user

// database
define ('DB_HOST', 'your_host');     // localhost
define ('DB_NAME', 'your_name');  // pair
define ('DB_USER', 'your_user');     // ss
define ('DB_PASS', 'your_pass');      // MYLONGPSW

By creating different versions of config.php file you can move the project on other web-servers. This is useful to run a development version, a test version and a production version of the same project.

Now it?s time to login using the account that have your email address as username and a strong 15 chars random password that?s shown at the installation end.

http://dev1:8083/zbig/pair_user/tevent/ routes.php ???

Latest Stable Version Total Downloads Latest Unstable Version License composer.lock

This base project allows a fast start to develop small to medium PHP applications like CRM or web-portals. With the addition of a few files more, here provided as sample, and an initial database structure, your web project will be up and running in a breeze.


This basic project manages users authentication, creates new custom ActiveRecord classes and CRUD modules starting from a DB table by a magic module named developer, all thru a friendly route logic. Also it acts as REST API server.


If you would like to contribute to this project, please feel free to submit a pull request.




light weight and versatile PHP framework, simple and fast, few frills, maybe none

Latest Stable Version Total Downloads Latest Unstable Version License composer.lock


Pair implements Model-View-Controller pattern and a search friendly route logic.


Pair base tables are InnoDB utf-8mb4.

Pair allows the creation of OBJECTS RELATED TO DB TABLE using ActiveRecord class. Objects retrieved from the DB are cast in both directions to the required type (int, bool, DateTime, float, csv). See Automatic properties cast page in the wiki.

In addition, each CLASS INHERITED FROM ACTIVERECORD supports many convenient methods including those for caching data that save queries.


Pair supports MODULES AND TEMPLATES AS INSTALLABLE PLUGINS, but can easily be extended to other types of custom plugins. The Pair?s Plugin class allows you to create the manifest file, the ZIP package with the contents of the plugin and the installation of the plugin of your Pair?s application.

Time zone

The automatic time zone management allows to store the data on UTC and to obtain it already converted according to the connected user?s time zone automatically.

Log bar

A nice log bar shows all the details of the loaded objects, the system memory load, the time taken for each step and for the queries, the SQL code of the executed queries and the backtrace of the detected errors. Custom messages can be added for each step of the code.



composer require viames/pair

After having installed Pair framework you can get singleton object $app and the just start MVC. You can check any session before MVC, like in the following example.

use Pair\Application;

// initialize the framework
require 'vendor/autoload.php';

// intialize the Application
$app = Application::getInstance();

// any session

// start controller and then display

If you want to test code that is in the master branch, which hasn?t been pushed as a release, you can use master.

composer require viames/pair dev-master

If you don?t have Composer, you can download it.


Please consult the Wiki of this project. Below are its most interesting pages that illustrate some features of Pair.


| Software | Recommended | Minimum | Configuration | | --- | :---: | :---: | --- | | Apache | 2.4+ | 2.2 | modules: mod_rewrite | | MySQL | 5.7+ | 5.6 | character_set: utf8mb4 <br> collation: utf8mb4\_unicode_ci <br> storage_engine: InnoDB | | PHP | 7+ | 5.6 | extensions: curl, fileinfo, gd, json, mcrypt, openssl, pcre, PDO, pdo_mysql, Reflection |

comment mcrypt in : J:\awww\www\zbig\pairblog\installer\start.php J:\awww\www\zbig\pairblog\modules\selftest\viewDefault.php
        composer require phpseclib/mcrypt_compat

          mcrypt was DEPRECATED in PHP 7.1.0, and REMOVED in PHP 7.2.0.
          There is no Windows release of this extension for PHP 7.2.
          Alternatives to this feature include:
            Sodium (available as of PHP 7.2.0)

          They didn't include this one
          But it's a third party library so I can't say I blame them, I've used it for some time and never heard anything bad about it yet.

          To enable mcrypt extension in WAMP, left click wamp tray icon and select PHP > PHP Extensions > php_mcrypt  
          HERE MY CHANGES J:\wamp64\bin\php\php7.2.9\phpForApache.ini !!!

          May 04, 2013 extension php_mcrypt was statically linked into php exe
          But that library appears to uses this one which is not part of the php distribution


The Pair_example is a good starting point to build your new web project in a breeze with Pair PHP framework using the installer wizard.


If you would like to contribute to this project, please feel free to submit a pull request.
