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File: script/dtsel.js

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File: script/dtsel.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Complex PHP Form Design and Generator
Display and process complex HTML forms HTML forms
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Date: 3 years ago
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(function () { "use strict"; var BODYTYPES = ["DAYS", "MONTHS", "YEARS"]; /** @typedef {Object.<string, Function[]>} Handlers */ /** @typedef {function(String, Function): null} AddHandler */ /** @typedef {("DAYS"|"MONTHS"|"YEARS")} BodyType */ /** @typedef {string|number} StringNum */ /** @typedef {Object.<string, StringNum>} StringNumObj */ /** * The local state * @typedef {Object} InstanceState * @property {Date} value * @property {Number} year * @property {Number} month * @property {Number} day * @property {Number} time * @property {Number} hours * @property {Number} minutes * @property {Number} seconds * @property {BodyType} bodyType * @property {Boolean} visible * @property {Number} cancelBlur */ /** * @typedef {Object} Config * @property {String} dateFormat * @property {String} timeFormat * @property {Boolean} showDate * @property {Boolean} showTime * @property {Boolean} showSeconds * @property {Number} paddingX * @property {Number} paddingY * @property {BodyType} defaultView * @property {"TOP"|"BOTTOM"} direction * @property {Array} months * @property {Array} monthsShort * @property {Array} weekdaysShort * @property {Array} timeDescr */ /** * @class * @param {HTMLElement} elem * @param {Config} config */ function DTS(elem, config) { var config = config || {}; /** @type {Config} */ var defaultConfig = { defaultView: BODYTYPES[0], dateFormat: "yyyy-mm-dd", timeFormat: "HH:MM:SS", showDate: true, showTime: false, showSeconds: true, paddingX: 5, paddingY: 5, direction: 'TOP', months: [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ], monthsShort: [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ], weekdaysShort: [ "Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa" ], timeDescr: [ "HH:", "MM:", "SS:" ] } if (!elem) { throw TypeError("input element or selector required for contructor"); } if (Object.getPrototypeOf(elem) === String.prototype) { var _elem = document.querySelectorAll(elem); if (!_elem[0]){ throw Error('"' + elem + '" not found.'); } elem = _elem[0]; } this.config = setDefaults(config, defaultConfig); this.dateFormat = this.config.dateFormat; this.timeFormat = this.config.timeFormat; this.dateFormatRegEx = new RegExp("yyyy|yy|mm|dd", "gi"); this.timeFormatRegEx = new RegExp("hh|mm|ss|a", "gi"); this.inputElem = elem; this.dtbox = null; this.setup(); } DTS.prototype.setup = function () { var handler = this.inputElemHandler.bind(this); this.inputElem.addEventListener("focus", handler, false) this.inputElem.addEventListener("blur", handler, false); } DTS.prototype.inputElemHandler = function (e) { if (e.type == "focus") { if (!this.dtbox) { this.dtbox = new DTBox(, this); } this.dtbox.visible = true; } else if (e.type == "blur" && this.dtbox && this.dtbox.visible) { var self = this; setTimeout(function () { if (self.dtbox.cancelBlur > 0) { self.dtbox.cancelBlur -= 1; } else { self.dtbox.visible = false; self.inputElem.blur(); } }, 100); } } /** * @class * @param {HTMLElement} elem * @param {DTS} settings */ function DTBox(elem, settings) { /** @type {DTBox} */ var self = this; /** @type {Handlers} */ var handlers = {}; /** @type {InstanceState} */ var localState = {}; /** * @param {String} key * @param {*} default_val */ function getterSetter(key, default_val) { return { get: function () { var val = localState[key]; return val === undefined ? default_val : val; }, set: function (val) { var prevState = self.state; var _handlers = handlers[key] || []; localState[key] = val; for (var i = 0; i < _handlers.length; i++) { _handlers[i].bind(self)(localState, prevState); } }, }; }; /** @type {AddHandler} */ function addHandler(key, handlerFn) { if (!key || !handlerFn) { return false; } if (!handlers[key]) { handlers[key] = []; } handlers[key].push(handlerFn); } Object.defineProperties(this, { visible: getterSetter("visible", false), bodyType: getterSetter("bodyType", settings.config.defaultView), value: getterSetter("value"), year: getterSetter("year", 0), month: getterSetter("month", 0), day: getterSetter("day", 0), hours: getterSetter("hours", 0), minutes: getterSetter("minutes", 0), seconds: getterSetter("seconds", 0), cancelBlur: getterSetter("cancelBlur", 0), addHandler: {value: addHandler}, month_long: { get: function () { return self.settings.config.months[self.month]; }, }, month_short: { get: function () { return self.settings.config.monthsShort[self.month] }, }, state: { get: function () { return Object.assign({}, localState); }, }, time: { get: function() { var hours = self.hours * 60 * 60 * 1000; var minutes = self.minutes * 60 * 1000; var seconds = self.seconds * 1000; return hours + minutes + seconds; } }, }); this.el = {}; this.settings = settings; this.elem = elem; this.setup(); } DTBox.prototype.setup = function () { Object.defineProperties(this.el, { wrapper: { value: null, configurable: true }, header: { value: null, configurable: true }, body: { value: null, configurable: true }, footer: { value: null, configurable: true } }); this.setupWrapper(); if (this.settings.config.showDate) { this.setupHeader(); this.setupBody(); } if (this.settings.config.showTime) { this.setupFooter(); } var self = this; this.addHandler("visible", function (state, prevState) { if (state.visible && !prevState.visible){ document.body.appendChild(this.el.wrapper); var parts = self.elem.value.split(/\s*,\s*/); var startDate = undefined; var startTime = 0; if (self.settings.config.showDate) { startDate = parseDate(parts[0], self.settings); } if (self.settings.config.showTime) { startTime = parseTime(parts[parts.length-1], self.settings); startTime = startTime || 0; } if (!(startDate && startDate.getTime())) { startDate = new Date(); startDate = new Date( startDate.getFullYear(), startDate.getMonth(), startDate.getDate() ); } var value = new Date(startDate.getTime() + startTime); self.value = value; self.year = value.getFullYear(); self.month = value.getMonth(); = value.getDate(); self.hours = value.getHours(); self.minutes = value.getMinutes(); self.seconds = value.getSeconds(); if (self.settings.config.showDate) { self.setHeaderContent(); self.setBodyContent(); } if (self.settings.config.showTime) { self.setFooterContent(); } } else if (!state.visible && prevState.visible) { document.body.removeChild(this.el.wrapper); } }); } DTBox.prototype.setupWrapper = function () { if (!this.el.wrapper) { var el = document.createElement("div"); el.classList.add("date-selector-wrapper"); Object.defineProperty(this.el, "wrapper", { value: el }); } var self = this; var htmlRoot = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0]; function setPosition(e){ var minTopSpace = 300; var box = getOffset(self.elem); var config = self.settings.config; var paddingY = config.paddingY || 5; var paddingX = config.paddingX || 5; var top = + self.elem.offsetHeight + paddingY; var left = box.left + paddingX; var bottom = htmlRoot.clientHeight - + paddingY; = `${left}px`; if ( > minTopSpace && config.direction != 'BOTTOM') { = `${bottom}px`; = ''; } else { = `${top}px`; = ''; } } function handler(e) { self.cancelBlur += 1; setTimeout(function(){ self.elem.focus(); }, 50); } setPosition(); this.setPosition = setPosition; this.el.wrapper.addEventListener("mousedown", handler, false); this.el.wrapper.addEventListener("touchstart", handler, false); window.addEventListener('resize', this.setPosition); } DTBox.prototype.setupHeader = function () { if (!this.el.header) { var row = document.createElement("div"); var classes = ["cal-nav-prev", "cal-nav-current", "cal-nav-next"]; row.classList.add("cal-header"); for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { var cell = document.createElement("div"); cell.classList.add("cal-nav", classes[i]); cell.onclick = this.onHeaderChange.bind(this); row.appendChild(cell); } row.children[0].innerHTML = "&#9664;"; // "&lt;"; row.children[2].innerHTML = "&#9654;"; // "&gt;"; Object.defineProperty(this.el, "header", { value: row }); tryAppendChild(row, this.el.wrapper); } this.setHeaderContent(); } DTBox.prototype.setHeaderContent = function () { var content = this.year; if ("DAYS" == this.bodyType) { content = this.month_long + " " + content; } else if ("YEARS" == this.bodyType) { var start = this.year + 10 - (this.year % 10); content = start - 10 + "-" + (start - 1); } this.el.header.children[1].innerText = content; } DTBox.prototype.setupBody = function () { if (!this.el.body) { var el = document.createElement("div"); el.classList.add("cal-body"); Object.defineProperty(this.el, "body", { value: el }); tryAppendChild(el, this.el.wrapper); } var toAppend = null; function makeGrid(rows, cols, className, firstRowClass, clickHandler) { var grid = document.createElement("div"); grid.classList.add(className); for (var i = 1; i < rows + 1; i++) { var row = document.createElement("div"); row.classList.add("cal-row", "cal-row-" + i); if (i == 1 && firstRowClass) { row.classList.add(firstRowClass); } for (var j = 1; j < cols + 1; j++) { var col = document.createElement("div"); col.classList.add("cal-cell", "cal-col-" + j); col.onclick = clickHandler; row.appendChild(col); } grid.appendChild(row); } return grid; } if ("DAYS" == this.bodyType) { toAppend = this.el.body.calDays; if (!toAppend) { toAppend = makeGrid(7, 7, "cal-days", "cal-day-names", this.onDateSelected.bind(this)); for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) { var cell = toAppend.children[0].children[i]; cell.innerText = this.settings.config.weekdaysShort[i]; cell.onclick = null; } this.el.body.calDays = toAppend; } } else if ("MONTHS" == this.bodyType) { toAppend = this.el.body.calMonths; if (!toAppend) { toAppend = makeGrid(3, 4, "cal-months", null, this.onMonthSelected.bind(this)); for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) { var monthShort = this.settings.config.monthsShort[4 * i + j]; toAppend.children[i].children[j].innerText = monthShort; } } this.el.body.calMonths = toAppend; } } else if ("YEARS" == this.bodyType) { toAppend = this.el.body.calYears; if (!toAppend) { toAppend = makeGrid(3, 4, "cal-years", null, this.onYearSelected.bind(this)); this.el.body.calYears = toAppend; } } empty(this.el.body); tryAppendChild(toAppend, this.el.body); this.setBodyContent(); } DTBox.prototype.setBodyContent = function () { var grid = this.el.body.children[0]; var classes = ["cal-cell-prev", "cal-cell-next", "cal-value"]; if ("DAYS" == this.bodyType) { var oneDayMilliSecs = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; var start = new Date(this.year, this.month, 1); var adjusted = new Date(start.getTime() - oneDayMilliSecs * start.getDay()); grid.children[6].style.display = ""; for (var i = 1; i < 7; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < 7; j++) { var cell = grid.children[i].children[j]; var month = adjusted.getMonth(); var date = adjusted.getDate(); cell.innerText = date; cell.classList.remove(classes[0], classes[1], classes[2]); if (month != this.month) { if (i == 6 && j == 0) { grid.children[6].style.display = "none"; break; } cell.classList.add(month < this.month ? classes[0] : classes[1]); } else if (isEqualDate(adjusted, this.value)){ cell.classList.add(classes[2]); } adjusted = new Date(adjusted.getTime() + oneDayMilliSecs); } } } else if ("YEARS" == this.bodyType) { var year = this.year - (this.year % 10) - 1; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { grid.children[i].children[j].innerText = year; year += 1; } } grid.children[0].children[0].classList.add(classes[0]); grid.children[2].children[3].classList.add(classes[1]); } } /** @param {Event} e */ DTBox.prototype.onTimeChange = function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); if (e.type == 'mousedown') { this.cancelBlur += 1; return; } if (e.type == 'mouseup') { var self = this; setTimeout(function(){ self.elem.focus(); }, 50); return; } var el =; this[] = parseInt(el.value) || 0; this.setupFooter(); this.setInputValue(); } DTBox.prototype.setupFooter = function() { if (!this.el.footer) { var footer = document.createElement("div"); var handler = this.onTimeChange.bind(this); var self = this; function makeRow(label, name, range, changeHandler) { var row = document.createElement("div"); row.classList.add('cal-time'); var labelCol = row.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); labelCol.classList.add('cal-time-label'); labelCol.innerText = label; var valueCol = row.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); valueCol.classList.add('cal-time-value'); valueCol.innerText = '00'; var inputCol = row.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); var slider = inputCol.appendChild(document.createElement("input")); Object.assign(slider, {step:1, min:0, max:range, name:name, type:'range'}); Object.defineProperty(footer, name, {value: slider}); inputCol.classList.add('cal-time-slider'); slider.onchange = changeHandler; slider.oninput = changeHandler; slider.onmousedown = changeHandler; slider.onmouseup = changeHandler; self[name] = self[name] || parseInt(slider.value) || 0; footer.appendChild(row) } makeRow(this.settings.config.timeDescr[0], 'hours', 23, handler); makeRow(this.settings.config.timeDescr[1], 'minutes', 59, handler); if (this.settings.config.showSeconds) { makeRow(this.settings.config.timeDescr[2], 'seconds', 59, handler); } footer.classList.add("cal-footer"); Object.defineProperty(this.el, "footer", { value: footer }); tryAppendChild(footer, this.el.wrapper); } this.setFooterContent(); } DTBox.prototype.setFooterContent = function() { if (this.el.footer) { var footer = this.el.footer; footer.hours.value = this.hours; footer.children[0].children[1].innerText = padded(this.hours, 2); footer.minutes.value = this.minutes; footer.children[1].children[1].innerText = padded(this.minutes, 2); if (this.settings.config.showSeconds) { footer.seconds.value = this.seconds; footer.children[2].children[1].innerText = padded(this.seconds, 2); } } } DTBox.prototype.setInputValue = function() { var date = new Date(this.year, this.month,; var strings = []; if (this.settings.config.showDate) { strings.push(renderDate(date, this.settings)); } if (this.settings.config.showTime) { var joined = new Date(date.getTime() + this.time); strings.push(renderTime(joined, this.settings)); } this.elem.value = strings.join(', '); } DTBox.prototype.onDateSelected = function (e) { var row =; var date = parseInt(; if (!(row.nextSibling && row.nextSibling.nextSibling) && date < 8) { this.month += 1; } else if (!(row.previousSibling && row.previousSibling.previousSibling) && date > 7) { this.month -= 1; } = parseInt(; this.value = new Date(this.year, this.month,; this.setInputValue(); this.setHeaderContent(); this.setBodyContent(); } /** @param {Event} e */ DTBox.prototype.onMonthSelected = function (e) { var col = 0; var row = 2; var cell =; if (cell.parentNode.nextSibling){ row = cell.parentNode.previousSibling ? 1: 0; } if (cell.previousSibling) { col = 3; if (cell.nextSibling) { col = cell.previousSibling.previousSibling ? 2 : 1; } } this.month = 4 * row + col; this.bodyType = "DAYS"; this.setHeaderContent(); this.setupBody(); } /** @param {Event} e */ DTBox.prototype.onYearSelected = function (e) { this.year = parseInt(; this.bodyType = "MONTHS"; this.setHeaderContent(); this.setupBody(); } /** @param {Event} e */ DTBox.prototype.onHeaderChange = function (e) { var cell =; if (cell.previousSibling && cell.nextSibling) { var idx = BODYTYPES.indexOf(this.bodyType); if (idx < 0 || !BODYTYPES[idx + 1]) { return; } this.bodyType = BODYTYPES[idx + 1]; this.setupBody(); } else { var sign = cell.previousSibling ? 1 : -1; switch (this.bodyType) { case "DAYS": this.month += sign * 1; break; case "MONTHS": this.year += sign * 1; break; case "YEARS": this.year += sign * 10; } if (this.month > 11 || this.month < 0) { this.year += Math.floor(this.month / 11); this.month = this.month > 11 ? 0 : 11; } } this.setHeaderContent(); this.setBodyContent(); } /** * @param {HTMLElement} elem * @returns {{left:number, top:number}} */ function getOffset(elem) { var box = elem.getBoundingClientRect(); var left = window.pageXOffset !== undefined ? window.pageXOffset : (document.documentElement || document.body.parentNode || document.body).scrollLeft; var top = window.pageYOffset !== undefined ? window.pageYOffset : (document.documentElement || document.body.parentNode || document.body).scrollTop; return { left: box.left + left, top: + top }; } function empty(e) { for (; e.children.length; ) e.removeChild(e.children[0]); } function tryAppendChild(newChild, refNode) { try { refNode.appendChild(newChild); return newChild; } catch (e) { console.trace(e); } } /** @class */ function hookFuncs() { /** @type {Handlers} */ this._funcs = {}; } /** * @param {string} key * @param {Function} func */ hookFuncs.prototype.add = function(key, func){ if (!this._funcs[key]){ this._funcs[key] = []; } this._funcs[key].push(func) } /** * @param {String} key * @returns {Function[]} handlers */ hookFuncs.prototype.get = function(key){ return this._funcs[key] ? this._funcs[key] : []; } /** * @param {Array.<string>} arr * @param {String} string * @returns {Array.<string>} sorted string */ function sortByStringIndex(arr, string) { return arr.sort(function(a, b){ var h = string.indexOf(a); var l = string.indexOf(b); var rank = 0; if (h < l) { rank = -1; } else if (l < h) { rank = 1; } else if (a.length > b.length) { rank = -1; } else if (b.length > a.length) { rank = 1; } return rank; }); } /** * Remove keys from array that are not in format * @param {string[]} keys * @param {string} format * @returns {string[]} new filtered array */ function filterFormatKeys(keys, format) { var out = []; var formatIdx = 0; for (var i = 0; i<keys.length; i++) { var key = keys[i]; if (format.slice(formatIdx).indexOf(key) > -1) { formatIdx += key.length; out.push(key); } } return out; } /** * @template {StringNumObj} FormatObj * @param {string} value * @param {string} format * @param {FormatObj} formatObj * @param {function(Object.<string, hookFuncs>): null} setHooks * @returns {FormatObj} formatObj */ function parseData(value, format, formatObj, setHooks) { var hooks = { canSkip: new hookFuncs(), updateValue: new hookFuncs(), } var keys = sortByStringIndex(Object.keys(formatObj), format); var filterdKeys = filterFormatKeys(keys, format); var vstart = 0; // value start if (setHooks) { setHooks(hooks); } for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var key = keys[i]; var fstart = format.indexOf(key); var _vstart = vstart; // next value start var val = null; var canSkip = false; var funcs = hooks.canSkip.get(key); vstart = vstart || fstart; for (var j = 0; j < funcs.length; j++) { if (funcs[j](formatObj)){ canSkip = true; break; } } if (fstart > -1 && !canSkip) { var sep = null; var stop = vstart + key.length; var fnext = -1; var nextKeyIdx = i + 1; _vstart += key.length; // set next value start if current key is found // get next format token used to determine separator while (fnext == -1 && nextKeyIdx < keys.length){ var nextKey = keys[nextKeyIdx]; nextKeyIdx += 1; if (filterdKeys.indexOf(nextKey) === -1) { continue; } fnext = nextKey ? format.indexOf(nextKey) : -1; // next format start } if (fnext > -1){ sep = format.slice(stop, fnext); if (sep) { var _stop = value.slice(vstart).indexOf(sep); if (_stop && _stop > -1){ stop = _stop + vstart; _vstart = stop + sep.length; } } } val = parseInt(value.slice(vstart, stop)); var funcs = hooks.updateValue.get(key); for (var k = 0; k < funcs.length; k++) { val = funcs[k](val, formatObj, vstart, stop); } } formatObj[key] = { index: vstart, value: val }; vstart = _vstart; // set next value start } return formatObj; } /** * @param {String} value * @param {DTS} settings * @returns {Date} date object */ function parseDate(value, settings) { /** @type {{yyyy:number=, yy:number=, mm:number=, dd:number=}} */ var formatObj = {yyyy:null, yy:null, mm:null, dd:null}; var format = ((settings.dateFormat) || '').toLowerCase(); if (!format) { throw new TypeError('dateFormat not found (' + settings.dateFormat + ')'); } var formatObj = parseData(value, format, formatObj, function(hooks){ hooks.canSkip.add("yy", function(data){ return data["yyyy"].value; }); hooks.updateValue.add("yy", function(val){ return 100 * Math.floor(new Date().getFullYear() / 100) + val; }); }); var year = formatObj["yyyy"].value || formatObj["yy"].value; var month = formatObj["mm"].value - 1; var date = formatObj["dd"].value; var result = new Date(year, month, date); return result; } /** * @param {String} value * @param {DTS} settings * @returns {Number} time in milliseconds <= (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) - 1 */ function parseTime(value, settings) { var format = ((settings.timeFormat) || '').toLowerCase(); if (!format) { throw new TypeError('timeFormat not found (' + settings.timeFormat + ')'); } /** @type {{hh:number=, mm:number=, ss:number=, a:string=}} */ var formatObj = {hh:null, mm:null, ss:null, a:null}; var formatObj = parseData(value, format, formatObj, function(hooks){ hooks.updateValue.add("a", function(val, data, start, stop){ return value.slice(start, start + 2); }); }); var hours = formatObj["hh"].value; var minutes = formatObj["mm"].value; var seconds = formatObj["ss"].value; var am_pm = formatObj["a"].value; var am_pm_lower = am_pm ? am_pm.toLowerCase() : am_pm; if (am_pm && ["am", "pm"].indexOf(am_pm_lower) > -1){ if (am_pm_lower == 'am' && hours == 12){ hours = 0; } else if (am_pm_lower == 'pm') { hours += 12; } } var time = hours * 60 * 60 * 1000 + minutes * 60 * 1000 + seconds * 1000; return time; } /** * @param {Date} value * @param {DTS} settings * @returns {String} date string */ function renderDate(value, settings) { var format = settings.dateFormat.toLowerCase(); var date = value.getDate(); var month = value.getMonth() + 1; var year = value.getFullYear(); var yearShort = year % 100; var formatObj = { dd: date < 10 ? "0" + date : date, mm: month < 10 ? "0" + month : month, yyyy: year, yy: yearShort < 10 ? "0" + yearShort : yearShort }; var str = format.replace(settings.dateFormatRegEx, function (found) { return formatObj[found]; }); return str; } /** * @param {Date} value * @param {DTS} settings * @returns {String} date string */ function renderTime(value, settings) { var Format = settings.timeFormat; var format = Format.toLowerCase(); var hours = value.getHours(); var minutes = value.getMinutes(); var seconds = value.getSeconds(); var am_pm = null; var hh_am_pm = null; if (format.indexOf('a') > -1) { am_pm = hours >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am'; am_pm = Format.indexOf('A') > -1 ? am_pm.toUpperCase() : am_pm; hh_am_pm = hours == 0 ? '12' : (hours > 12 ? hours%12 : hours); } var formatObj = { hh: am_pm ? hh_am_pm : (hours < 10 ? "0" + hours : hours), mm: minutes < 10 ? "0" + minutes : minutes, ss: seconds < 10 ? "0" + seconds : seconds, a: am_pm, }; var str = format.replace(settings.timeFormatRegEx, function (found) { return formatObj[found]; }); return str; } /** * checks if two dates are equal * @param {Date} date1 * @param {Date} date2 * @returns {Boolean} true or false */ function isEqualDate(date1, date2) { if (!(date1 && date2)) return false; return (date1.getFullYear() == date2.getFullYear() && date1.getMonth() == date2.getMonth() && date1.getDate() == date2.getDate()); } /** * @param {Number} val * @param {Number} pad * @param {*} default_val * @returns {String} padded string */ function padded(val, pad, default_val) { var default_val = default_val || 0; var valStr = '' + (parseInt(val) || default_val); var diff = Math.max(pad, valStr.length) - valStr.length; return ('' + default_val).repeat(diff) + valStr; } /** * @template X * @template Y * @param {X} obj * @param {Y} objDefaults * @returns {X|Y} merged object */ function setDefaults(obj, objDefaults) { var keys = Object.keys(objDefaults); for (var i=0; i<keys.length; i++) { var key = keys[i]; if (!, key)) { obj[key] = objDefaults[key]; } } return obj; } window.dtsel = Object.create({},{ DTS: { value: DTS }, DTObj: { value: DTBox }, fn: { value: Object.defineProperties({}, { empty: { value: empty }, appendAfter: { value: function (newElem, refNode) { refNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newElem, refNode.nextSibling); }, }, getOffset: { value: getOffset }, parseDate: { value: parseDate }, renderDate: { value: renderDate }, parseTime: {value: parseTime}, renderTime: {value: renderTime}, setDefaults: {value: setDefaults}, }), }, }); })();