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File: tests/js/libs/diamondiso.js

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File: tests/js/libs/diamondiso.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Tiled to CraftyJS
Convert game level tiled maps CraftyJS components
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Date: 3 years ago
Size: 5,155 bytes



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Crafty.extend({ /**@ * #Crafty.diamondIso * @category 2D * Place entities in a 45deg diamond isometric fashion. It is similar to isometric but has another grid locations */ diamondIso:{ _tile: { width: 0, height: 0, r:0 }, _map:{ width:0, height:0, x:0, y:0 }, _origin:{ x:0, y:0 }, /**@ * #Crafty.diamondIso.init * @comp Crafty.diamondIso * @sign public this Crafty.diamondIso.init(Number tileWidth,Number tileHeight,Number mapWidth,Number mapHeight) * @param tileWidth - The size of base tile width in Pixel * @param tileHeight - The size of base tile height in Pixel * @param mapWidth - The width of whole map in Tiles * @param mapHeight - The height of whole map in Tiles * * Method used to initialize the size of the isometric placement. * Recommended to use a size alues in the power of `2` (128, 64 or 32). * This makes it easy to calculate positions and implement zooming. * * @example * ~~~ * var iso = Crafty.diamondIso.init(64,128,20,20); * ~~~ * * @see */ init:function(tw, th,mw,mh){ this._tile.width = parseInt(tw); this._tile.height = parseInt(th)||parseInt(tw)/2; this._tile.r = this._tile.width / this._tile.height; this._map.width = parseInt(mw); this._map.height = parseInt(mh) || parseInt(mw); this._origin.x = this._map.height * this._tile.width / 2; return this; }, /**@ * * @comp Crafty.diamondIso * @sign public this tile,Number x, Number y, Number layer) * @param x - The `x` position to place the tile * @param y - The `y` position to place the tile * @param layer - The `z` position to place the tile (calculated by y position * layer) * @param tile - The entity that should be position in the isometric fashion * * Use this method to place an entity in an isometric grid. * * @example * ~~~ * var iso = Crafty.diamondIso.init(64,128,20,20); *'2D, DOM, Color').color('red').attr({w:128, h:128}),1,1,2); * ~~~ * * @see Crafty.diamondIso.size */ place:function(obj,x,y,layer){ var pos = this.pos2px(x,y); if(!layer) layer = 1; var marginX = 0,marginY = 0; if(obj.__margin !== undefined){ marginX = obj.__margin[0]; marginY = obj.__margin[1]; } obj.x = pos.left+(marginX); obj.y = (; obj.z = (*layer; }, centerAt:function(x,y){ var pos = this.pos2px(x,y); Crafty.viewport.x = -pos.left+Crafty.viewport.width/2-this._tile.width; Crafty.viewport.y =; }, area:function(offset){ if(!offset) offset = 0; //calculate the corners var vp = Crafty.viewport.rect(); vp._x -= this._tile.width/2; vp._y += this._tile.height; var ow = offset*(this._tile.width/2); var oh = offset*(this._tile.height); var grid = []; for(var y = vp._y-oh,yl = (vp._y+vp._h)+oh;y<yl;y+=this._tile.height/2){ for(var x = vp._x-ow,xl = (vp._x+vp._w)+ow;x<xl;x+=this._tile.width/2){ var row = this.px2pos(x,y); grid.push([~~row.x,~~row.y]); } } return grid; }, pos2px:function(x,y){ return{ left:((x-y)*this._tile.width/2+this._origin.x), top:((x+y)*this._tile.height/2) } }, px2pos:function(left,top){ var x = (left - this._origin.x)/this._tile.r; return { x:((top+x) / this._tile.height), y:((top-x) / this._tile.height) } }, polygon:function(obj){ obj.requires("Collision"); var marginX = 0,marginY = 0; if(obj.__margin !== undefined){ marginX = obj.__margin[0]; marginY = obj.__margin[1]; } var points = [ [marginX-0,obj.h-marginY-this._tile.height/2], [marginX-this._tile.width/2,obj.h-marginY-0], [marginX-this._tile.width,obj.h-marginY-this._tile.height/2], [marginX-this._tile.width/2,obj.h-marginY-this._tile.height] ]; var poly = new Crafty.polygon(points); return poly; } } });