/* Copyright 2003 All Rights Reserved - Wolvesbane Designs */
/* */
/* Title: MorphForm v1.0 */
/* Purpose: This class provides flexible, generic form processing with */
/* configurable output. It allows for form data to be emailed, */
/* written out to a file, or displayed to a browser. It will also */
/* accept combinations of the above, for example you could write */
/* the data to a log file and send emails to the admin and the user */
/* Author: Shawn Conlin */
/* Company: Wolvesbane Designs */
/* Web Site: http://www.wolvesbanedesigns.com */
/* Email: [email protected] */
/* Software License */
/* This software is free to use and distribute provided all headers are left */
/* intact and unmodified. It is distributed AS IS and without warranty. If */
/* you wish to use this code as a base for a new class or you wish to write */
/* an extension to this class, please contact the author (he would like to */
/* see your ideas to improve the functionality). */
class MorphForm {
/* Internal Variables */
var $VarArr = array();
var $ConfigFields = array();
var $MissingValues = array();
var $BadEmails = array();
var $BadPhones = array();
var $BadDigits = array();
/* Internal Methods */
Function GetPrefix($FieldName) {
/* Captures the prefixes from field names */
$Pos = strpos($FieldName, "_");
If ($Pos === False) {
Return ("");
} else {
function ValPhone($phone) {
/* Validates Phone Numbers */
if ($phone == "") {
} else {
$checkphone = preg_replace( '/[^0123456789]/' , '' , $phone );
if ($checkphone == "" or strlen($checkphone) < 10) {
return (false);
} else {
function FormatPhone($phone) {
/* Formats phone numbers as (123) 456-7890 */
$checkphone = preg_replace( '/[^0123456789]/' , '' , $phone );
return(ereg_replace("([0-9]{3})([0-9]{3})([0-9]{4})", "(\\1) \\2-\\3", $checkphone));
function IsEmail($value) {
/* Verifies that email addresses are in the form [email protected] */
$pattern = "/^([a-zA-Z0-9])+([\.a-zA-Z0-9_-])*@([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)+/";
if (preg_match($pattern, $value)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Function ProcessForm() {
/* Processes field entries according to their prefixes and captures any */
/* data errors */
Foreach($this->VarArr as $Key => $Item){
$Prefix = $this->GetPrefix($Key);
If ($Prefix != "" ) {
If (strpos($Prefix, "r")!== False) {
If ($Item == "") {
$this->MissingValues[] = $Key;
If (strpos($Prefix, "e")!== False) {
If ($this->IsEmail($Item)) {
} else {
$this->BadEmails[] = $Key;
If (strpos($Prefix, "p")!== False) {
If ($this->ValPhone($Item)){
$this->VarArr[$Key] = $this->FormatPhone($Item);
} else {
$this->BadPhones[] = $Key;
If (strpos($Prefix, "n")!== False) {
If (Is_Numeric($Item)) {
} else {
$this->BadDigits[] = $Key;
Function ReadConfigFile($FilePath) {
/* Reads the specified configuration file into an array */
If ($FilePath != "" and file_exists($FilePath)) {
$FileArray = file($FilePath);
return $FileArray;
/* External Methods */
Function OutputForm() {
/* Outputs the form data as specified in the configuration fields and files */
Foreach($this->ConfigFields as $Key => $Item) {
$LineCnt = 0;
$ConfigFile = $this->ReadConfigFile($Item);
Foreach ($ConfigFile as $Line => $Text) {
For ($Cnt=0; $Cnt < $LineCnt; $Cnt++) {
$ConfigFile[$Cnt] = trim($ConfigFile[$Cnt]);
ForEach ($this->VarArr as $VKey => $Value) {
$ConfigFile[$Cnt] = str_replace("[$VKey]", $Value, $ConfigFile[$Cnt]);
if (strpos(strtolower($Key), "outfile") !== False) {
$FName = $ConfigFile[0];
If (file_exists($FName)) {
$FP = fopen($FName, "a");
if ($FP) {
For ($Cnt=1; $Cnt < $LineCnt; $Cnt++) {
fputs($FP, $ConfigFile[$Cnt]."\n");
if (strpos(strtolower($Key), "email") !== False) {
$From = "From: " . $ConfigFile[0] ."\r\n";
$To = $ConfigFile[1];
$CC = "CC: " . $ConfigFile[2] ."\r\n";
$BCC = "BCC: " . $ConfigFile[3] ."\r\n";
$Subject = $ConfigFile[4];
$Msg = "";
For ($Cnt=5; $Cnt < $LineCnt; $Cnt++) {
$Msg .= $ConfigFile[$Cnt]."\n";
$Headers = $From . $CC . $BCC;
mail($To, $Subject, $Msg, $Headers);
if (strpos(strtolower($Key), "browser") !== False) {
For ($Cnt=0; $Cnt < $LineCnt; $Cnt++) {
Echo $ConfigFile[$Cnt]."\n";
Function CheckForErrors() {
/* Returns true if errors were found */
If ($this->MissingValues or $this->BadEmails or $this->BadPhones or $this->BadDigits) {
} else {
Function ProcessErrors() {
/* Displays all of the data errors that were found */
$ErrMsg = "";
if ($this->MissingValues) {
$ErrMsg .= "The following required fields need to be completed:<br>\n";
For ($Cnt=0; $Cnt <= Count($this->MissingValues); $Cnt++) {
$ErrMsg .= $this->MissingValues[$Cnt] . "<br>\n";
$ErrMsg .= "<br>\n";
if ($this->BadEmails) {
$ErrMsg .= "The following fields require valid email addresses:<br>\n";
For ($Cnt=0; $Cnt <= Count($this->BadEmails); $Cnt++) {
$ErrMsg .= $this->BadEmails[$Cnt] . "<br>\n";
$ErrMsg .= "<br>\n";
if ($this->BadPhones) {
$ErrMsg .= "The following fields require valid phone numbers:<br>\n";
For ($Cnt=0; $Cnt <= Count($this->BadPhones); $Cnt++) {
$ErrMsg .= $this->BadPhones[$Cnt] . "<br>\n";
$ErrMsg .= "<br>\n";
if ($this->BadDigits) {
$ErrMsg .= "The following fields may contain only numbers:<br>\n";
For ($Cnt=0; $Cnt <= Count($this->BadDigits); $Cnt++) {
$ErrMsg .= $this->BadDigits[$Cnt] . "<br>\n";
$ErrMsg .= "<br>\n";
Echo $ErrMsg;
Function MorphForm ($Arr) {
/* Class Constructor */
/* Separate Configuration Variables and Form Variables */
Foreach($Arr as $Key => $Item) {
$Prefix = strtolower(substr($Key,0,3));
If ($Prefix == "mf_") {
$this->ConfigFields[$Key] = $Item;
} else {
$this->VarArr[$Key] = $Item;
/* Process the Form Variables */