 Pawel Nowosielski - 2019-02-13 12:14:42
Hello Manuel,
Many thanks for this class. :)
I just noticed the "small" problem.
I am using sendmail_message class with the bulk option and I have noticed that emails do not have a DKIM signature.
However, it is added if I send e-mail via a normal route, that is through port 587.
My installation is Postfix and Amavis, and more specifically the iRedmail package.
Do you know how to improve it?
Some e-mails are pushed away by the servers because they do not pass the DKIM test.
Best regards,
 Manuel Lemos - 2019-02-15 03:34:42 - In reply to message 1 from Pawel Nowosielski
It is better that it is your email server that delivers the messages to add domain keys signature headers.
It could be done in PHP but it would be slow and complex.
So if it works adding Domain Keys injecting messages via SMTP server, use that method.
If it is not working using the sendmail command replacement of Postfix, it may be a problem of configuration of Postfix, I guess.
If it is important that you send the sendmail command instead of SMTP to inject messages, you need to ask for support in Postfix support channels, as I am not an experienced enough with Postfix.
 Pawel Nowosielski - 2019-02-15 07:27:45 - In reply to message 2 from Manuel Lemos
Thanks a lot.
Yes, I wrote with postfix support and managed to configure it.
Generally, it turned out that this is one line of code in the postfix configuration file - master.cf.
Thank you again for the answer and for this class.
Best regards,