 Rainer Hapatzky - 2008-10-29 08:43:41
I found your emailtodb class - and in principle it's exactly what I need.
I need to extract from the mail is besides senderinformation:
- mail subject
- mail text
- mail attachments - if any.
in principle exactly what your class is promising to do.
Unfortunatelly - if i run a simple test - it produces the wrong result.
My testcase is very simple:
I create a mail using Thunderbird with:
Mail subject the word :Testsubject
Mail text only the word: TEST
one mail attachment named: test.txt with three lines in it: Line1 xxx, Line2 yyy, Line3 zzz
but when I sent it and the mail is processed by your class the following happens:
emailtodb_email Subject is: Testsubject - thats ok
emailtodb_email Message is: xxx yyy zzz - which is wrong - should be in a file on disk and instead of xxx yyy zzz i would expect to see TEST here.
The mail text TEST is missing completely.
If I replace the text.txt attachment by a powerpoint file, all seems to be ok except I get no info about the mimetype.
I would appreciate it very much if you could help me.
Thanks in advance for your help
With kind regards,
Rainer Hapatzky
 Sebastien Rivest - 2009-08-04 01:45:04 - In reply to message 1 from Rainer Hapatzky
hi, have you found any answer of that problem, cause I have the same here...
 Par - 2009-09-04 10:39:54 - In reply to message 1 from Rainer Hapatzky
Same for me
I get the none-text attachments with this code
$edb = new EMAIL_TO_DB();
$edb->connect('CONNECTS TO MAILBOXES');
$int_totalEmails = $edb->num_message();
for ($i=1; $i<=$int_totalEmails; $i++) {
//Resets partsarray
$edb->partsarray = NULL;
$bit_plainFound = 0;
$edb->msgid = $i; //Sets pointer to a message
$email = $edb->email_get(); //Gets message from server
foreach($edb->partsarray as $partText){
$part = null;
$part = $partText['text'];
if($partText["attachment"]) {
$bit_attached = 1;
#Save files(attachments) on local disc
foreach(array($partText["attachment"]) as $attach){
$attach["filename"] = $edb->mimie_text_decode($attach["filename"]);
$attach["filename"] = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_\-\.]/i', '_', $attach["filename"]);
$edb->save_files($email['FROM_EMAIL'] . "_" . $attach["filename"], $attach["string"]);
Donīt forget to set var $file_path in EMAIL_TO_DB class file
But I canīt get the text attachments!
 Lil Peck - 2010-09-04 08:24:52 - In reply to message 3 from Par
OK, I see that the script is set up to process only image attachments. If you take a look at the code, you'll see a Switch and only image attachments are provided for.
 joey martin - 2014-09-26 03:17:20 - In reply to message 4 from Lil Peck
Did you get this working?