PHP Classes

PHP Arquivo Remessa CNAB 400: Generate remittance files in the CNAB 400 format

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2018-03-03 (6 months ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot enough user ratingsTotal: 83 All time: 9,121 This week: 216Up
Version License PHP version Categories
remessacnab400 1.0.1Custom (specified...5PHP 5, Files and Folders, E-Commerce
Description Author
This package is specific mainly for applications used in Brazil Brazil .

This class can generate remittance files in the CNAB 400 format.

It can generate files in the CNAB 400 format used by banks in Brazil for defining bills that customers need to pay for purchased goods or services.

This class works specifically for generating remmitance files for Santander bank using files generated by this bank applications.

Em Português:

Gerador de arquivo de remessa para o banco Santander.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
February 2018

Prize: SourceGuarding PHP encoder tool
In many countries customers of businesses are able to pay for bills using code provided by each business that can be used to pay their bills using their banks.

This class can generate documents in the CNAB 400 format, so customers can pay bills for expenses with a business with an account at Santander bank in Brazil that can emit the bills and send them to the customers.

Manuel Lemos
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 3x

Winner: 1x



SantanderRemessa.php (Classe Santander Remessa Padrão CNAB400)

Gerador de arquivo de remessa padrão CNAB400 para o banco Santander. Com essa classe o usuário não fica obrigado a usar um framework para poder gerar o arquivo de remessa do banco santander, o objetivo foi criar uma classe apenas, para facilitar a geração desses arquivos de remessa, supondo que o usuário já possua a classe para gerar o boleto.

Importante! Essa classe requer os dados gerados pelo boleto Santander.

Testado com diversas versões do PHP >=5.6 no servidor debian com Nginx e Apache.

A Classe foi homologada pelo banco Santander em fevereiro de 2018, para usa-la faça as devidas alterações para atender as suas necessidades.

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