PHP Classes

PHP Compress JSON, HTML and Text Output: Compress the output of the current HTTP response

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Version License PHP version Categories
ob-compress 1.0GNU General Publi...5HTTP, PHP 5, Compression


This class can compress the output of the current HTTP response.

The class provides a function that the current script can use as a callback function to process the script output to compress it to reduce its size.

It can process the responses of requests that output data in JSON, HTML, or plain text format.

The class also issues HTTP response headers that are adequate for each type of output format.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2022
Number 4
The HTTP protocol allows compressing the responses to HTTP requests using several algorithms like gzip.

This possibility can make the Web servers respond faster to HTTP requests by reducing the amount transferred to the Web browser, especially when the response is in text formats like HTML, JSON, or plain text.

This package takes advantage of this possibility to reduce the size of HTTP responses generated by PHP scripts.

The package can compress the response data, even more when the output format is HTML because it also compresses HTML by eliminating unnecessary parts, like comments, spaces, and line breaks.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Ujah Chigozie peter
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 11x




Php OBCompress, compresses the Output Buffer In Gzip

This class can compress the output buffer of a web page or web request.

It can start capturing the output buffer of the current HTTP request and compress using the gzip compression method or none based on specified options. The compressed output will be send with the necessary headers back to user browser and optimized. It can process the responses of requests and output data in JSON, HTML, or plain text format faster than regular request output.


Installation is super-easy via Composer:

composer require peterujah/ob-compress

To compress webpage output, see the below example code

use Peterujah\NanoBlock\OBCompress;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Text OB Compress</title>
    This will be compress and optimized
<?php (new OBCompress())->html(ob_get_contents());

To retrieve data from server it can be done like below

use Peterujah\NanoBlock\OBCompress;
$response = array(
  "foo" => "Foo",
  "bar" => "Bar"
(new OBCompress())->json($response);

Available Response methods

Short Hand to compress data and return as json


Short Hand to compress data and return as plain text


Short Hand to compress data and return as html document


Short Hand to compress data and return as specied content type

$compress->run($data, $contentType);

Strips and minify a webpage content, start output buffer on webpage, place at the beginning of a webpage


Short Hand to get output buffer of a webpage and compress it then return as spacied data type


Rrturns compressed output from passed data, sets the status code and data type

$compress->with($data, $statusCode, $contentType);

A function to strips and minify a webpage content, this can be passed to ob_start('OBCompress::ob_strip');


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