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How to use the ChatGPT text to speech API to ChatGPT Text and Speech Converter: Convert text to audio and generate audio from text

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Version License PHP version Categories
chatgpt-text-and-spe 1.0.0MIT/X Consortium ...5PHP 5, Text processing, Web services, A..., A...
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This package can convert text to audio and generate audio from text.

It provides a simple Web application that can show forms to let the user enter text or upload audio files.

The package can process the text using ChatGPT API and outputs audio with the speech generated from the input text.

It can also take an audio file and transcribe the spoken words into a text string.

Picture of Mr.shaggyy83
Name: Mr.shaggyy83 <contact>
Classes: 5 packages by
Country: Turkey Turkey
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Nominee: 3x



You can do using this program:

1)You can ask questions to ChatGPT and save the responses in any of the formats: "mp3", "aac", "flag", "pcm". You can access the audio files from the "output_speech" folder within the project.

2)You can write or copy any text and save it again in any of the following formats: "mp3", "aac", "flag", "pcm". You can access the sound files from the "output_speech" folder in the project.

3)You can upload an audio file up to 25 MB in size and convert it to a text file. You can access the text files from the "output" folder within the project. To upload the audio file:

a) You need to upload the file from the "Choose File" section, then click the "Send File" button, and finally click the "Submit" button.

To use the program, you need to enter your own OpenAI key into the $apiKey variable on the index.php page.

  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imagecss (1 file)
Files folder imagejs (3 files)
Files folder imageoutput (1 file)
Files folder imageoutput_speech (1 file)
Files folder imageupload (1 file)
Accessible without login Plain text file .gitattributes Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file function.php Aux. Script with functions
Accessible without login Plain text file index.php Appl. Auxiliary script
Accessible without login Plain text file Doc. Documentation

 Version Control Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
This week:3
All time:11,327
This week:25Up