MySQL Backup Pro: Create and restore backup of MySQL databases

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Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
StarStarStarStar 72%Total: 15,779 This week: 1All time: 52 This week: 341Down
Version License Categories
mysqlbackup 1.0.0Free for non-comm...Databases, Systems administration
Description Author

This package is meant to provide backup and restore services of MySQL databases.

It provides a friendly tab based user interface that lets the users create backups of given MySQL databases to files, listing previously generated backups, restore a given backup and deleting backup files.

Currently this package requires PHP with the bzip or zlib extension enabled to generate compressed backup files. It also uses the gonxtabs class to create an user-friendly navigation menu.

Localisation support is enabled to let you configure your application with your default langage and change it, or to add a new translation.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2004
Number 3

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
MySQL is undoubtedly the most popular database used with PHP applications. Backup and restore a MySQL database is not always an easy task for owners of PHP sites, especially if they do not have shell access to the server machine or some other way to access the database server remotely,

This package uses several classes to provide an elegant Web interface for backup and restore MySQL databases to files.

The concern that the author had in generating compressed backup files to minimize the disk space requirements, demonstrates a certain level of maturity of this package.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Ben Yacoub Hatem
Name: Ben Yacoub Hatem <contact>
Classes: 18 packages by
Country: Tunisia Tunisia
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 4x

MySQL Backup Pro  v1.0.8-PRE1

Author : Ben Yacoub Hatem <hatem at php dot net>


This package is meant to provide backup and restore services of MySQL databases.

It provides a friendly tab based user interface that lets the users create backups of 

given MySQL databases to files, listing previously generated backups, restore a given 

backup and deleting backup files.

Currently this package requires PHP with the bzip or zlib extension enabled to 

generate compressed backup files. It also uses the gonxtabs class to create an 

user-friendly navigation menu.

Localisation support is enabled to let you configure your application with your 

default langage and change it, or to add a new translation.

	PHP4.x or PHP5.x, MySQL

	1 - Backup Folder : Create backup folder in default application directory. 

You can create it in another location, edit libs/backup.class.php and change the 

backup folder location.
	If you're using *nix verify that you have write permission for backup folder 

or chmod to 0777.

	2 - Configure init.php, or chmod init.php to 777 to use the configuration 

tool from the interface.

AUTOMATE Backup creation

	1- Copy init.php, libs/backup.class and libs/db.class.php to the location you 

want. for example : /var/www/autobackup/
	2 - Edit init.php and remove unecessary required classes.
	3 - Edit backup.class.php and change backup folder location for example : 

/var/www/autobackup/backup (and be sure to chmod it to 777)
	4 - Create a new cron (crontab -e):
10 * * * * /var/www/mysql/backupdb.php
if you don't know how to use cron job search google for a tutorial or a 

	5 - and that's all, now you can enter the web interface to monitor your 

database or to restore it ...etc.

	HTTP Authentification Could not work properly with PHP5, so please comment 

the Authentification line in index.php and protect your application with .htaccess

	1 - Add abstraction database for PostgreSQL, Oracle, MSSQL, SQLite
	2 - Optimize the restore time.
	3 - Support multiple database

Author : Ben Yacoub Hatem <hatem at php dot net>

Special Thanks to : 

Jose L. Calle Villalba <jl.calle at uma dot es> for the Spanish translation
Gunther Rissmann <rissmann at gmx dot de> for the German translation
Philippe BENVENISTE <info at pommef dot com> for the javascript.

And for all who send me emails feedback or bug report.
  • mysqlbackuppro.png
  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imageautobackup (1 file)
Files folder imagelibs (5 files)
Files folder imagelocale (10 files)
Accessible without login Plain text file image.php Aux. this is a related file that return images that are used in the application
Plain text file index.php Example Home page and index script
Accessible without login Plain text file init.php Conf. initialisation script
Accessible without login Plain text file readme.txt Doc. Readme file
Accessible without login Plain text file style.css Data CSS file

 Version Control Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
This week:1
All time:52
This week:341Down
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For more information send a message to info at phpclasses dot org.