PHP Classes

PHProp: Access INI configuration files as objects

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Version License PHP version Categories
phprop 1.1GNU General Publi...5.3PHP 5, Configuration
Description Author

This class can be used to access INI configuration files as objects.

It can parse a given INI file and allow accessing the values of the configuration properties as variables of an object or entries of an array.

An additional class provides the Countable and Array access file, so the configuration entries can be traversed like arrays.

It is possible to create and use hierarchical ini files.

Name: Amin <contact>
Classes: 3 packages by
Country: United States United States
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 2x

Winner: 1x


This package facilitates parsing and reading configurations from ini files.
To create a hierarchical ini file, the only thing to do is to write keys seperated by a delimiter
(by default '.') to specify parent and child. For example:


You can also use a value by it's key in another configuration value:


Note: ${url} assumes *url* key is in the current section, it can be written like ${application.url}.
If you want to refer to ${url} in another section (e.g. global), you should mention it as a prefix e.g. ${global.url}.  
If you are using multi-level configuration keys (e.g. application.config.db.username), write the root as prefix, e.g. ${*prefix*.variable}.

- Easy to use
- Convenient Integration
- Support for hierarchical data structure
- Section inheritance
- Array configs
- Key-value binding

#How to use
Pass the ini configuration path to the *parse* method:

    $ini = PHProp::parse("path/to/ini");

If your scope delimiter is not '.', give your delimiter as the second parameter:

    $ini = PHProp::parse("path/to/ini", "/");

After getting the object, the username can be accessed easily:




To get the number of application's children:


See the samples for more.
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