PHP Classes

SSA: Call PHP classes from JavaScript on Web pages

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2014-12-13 (1 year ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot enough user ratingsTotal: 265 All time: 7,269 This week: 579Up
Version License PHP version Categories
ssa 1.0.4The PHP License5.0PHP 5, AJAX
Description Author

This package can be used to call PHP classes from JavaScript on Web pages.

It can register service classes for handling API calls.

On the browser side a JavaScript library is provided to perform the API calls.

On the server side a separate script will take the request parameters and pass them to a dispatcher class that will call the respective service class that will respond to the request.


Restful Web service
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SSA : Simple Service Access

SSA is a framework to simply perform Ajax call. You can call your service as PHP into you javascript.



The usage of ssa is very simple, you create your PHP service, and you can call this service in javascript code. For example : HelloWorld.php

namespace services\;

 * simple example service
 * @author deblock
class HelloWorld {
     * return Hello <yourName> !!
     * @param string $yourName
     * @return string 
    public function helloYou($yourName) {
        return 'Hello ' . $yourName.' !!';


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <!-- include ssa core javascript -->
        <script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/ssa.js" ></script>
        <!-- include the autogenerate javascript service -->
        <script type="text/javascript" src="javascript.php?service=HelloWorld"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
                document.getElementById('serviceResult').innerHTML = result;
        <div> SSA exemple </div>
        <div id="serviceResult"></div>

This exemple add "Hello deblock !!" into the serviceResult div.


For convert the service into Javascript service ssa use doc comment. It's use the @param annotation for know parameters and type parameters. If a php parameter have no comment, they will not be export into javascrit service.

For run the service, @param annotations are used, the type is use for convert $_POST parameters into PHP type. Type support can be primitive, complete class name (with namespace), \DateTime(inputFormat, file or array. \DateTime and array are specific. \DateTime type have parameter input format. Example \DateTime(m/d/Y) array can have parameter. Example array(int) array(int) array(\Path\To\My\Class) array(file) ...

Javascript service have multiple method for handle ajax event. fail* : If a network error occurs always* : Already run after ajax call phpError* : Run if a php error occurs. (if the ssa mode is debug, the php error are logged) done* : Run when the service call is a success.

ssa.js has two default handler : defaultFailHandler* : default handler used if no specific handler are specified. It can be overrided by fail handler. defaultPhpErrorHandler* : default handler used if no specific handler are specified. It can be overrided by phpError handler.


myService.myAction('firstParameter', {attr1 : 'value1'})
         .done(function(returnValue, xhr) { alert(returnValue);})
         .fail(function(xhr) {alter('a network error occurs');})
         .phpError(function(errorPhp, xhr) {alter('an error occurs'.errorPhp.message);})
         .always(function(xhr){console.log('fin de la requête')}); 

each callback have the same object context, you can pass variable between this callbacks.


Ssa support multiple type parameter, and return value. Parameters and return value can be, primitive type, object or DateTime, array, you can simply add an other type support.

Ssa support file uploaded, if you want upload a file you must use the file, or array(file) types.


class FileService {

     * @param file $file
    public function upload($file) {
        // file is like this
        // array(
        //  'name' => 'string',
        //  'size' => int,
        //  'error' => int,
        //  'tmp_name' => 'string',
        //  'type' => 'string'
        // )
     * @param array(file) $files
    public function uploadMultiple($files) {
        foreach ($files as $file) {


// upload one file
// upload multiple file

Warning the file uploaded is not support by all navigator, it use FormData class. The method ssa.supportFileUpload return true if the navigator support this function. When you run a service with file upload the callback formDataError is call is this function is not supported.

                alert('Your navigator is too old for this function');

Ssa support multiple javascript framework : - you can use ssa standolone only on include ssa.js file - you can use ssa with angular js you just need to include ssa.js file and your service generated file. After use injection dependencies for get your service.

for exemple : 
  // add ssa as module dependencies
  var controller = angular.module('ssa.test', ['ssa']);
  // get simply your service on your controller with the service name. here the service is helloWorldService
  controller.controller('controller', function($scope, helloWorldService){   

- you can use ssa with requirejs you just need to include ssa on your configuration of requirejs.

// configuration must containe a ssa link
  paths: {
      // you must add ssa srcipt on your configuration
      "ssa": "path/to/ssa/javascript/file",
      // warning if you don't use htaccess service param is like this /serviceName
      // if you use htacess you can have url like this /javascript/ssa/service/servicename.js who redirect on javascript.php
      // path of your javscript service generator
      "ssaService" : "javascript.php?type=requirejs&service=" 

// juste require your service
require( ["ssaService/helloWorldService"],
  function(helloWorldService) {
    // helloWorldService is you php service

If you want see ssa exemple you can look on test/ssa/toEndTest directory


The ssa configuration is different between standalone version, and the symfony version.

Symfony version

For symfony version you can look this bundle project


The documentation of the Standalone version is under.

Register you service

The simple way for register your service is to create a configuration.php files. this file call the serviceManager for register your own services.


include 'autoload.php';

use ssa\ServiceManager;

// the first way to do this is with registerAllServices method 
    // the first service is the class ssa\test\Service1 and we expose all this method 
    'service1' => array(
      'class' => 'ssa\test\Service1'
    // the second service is the class ssa\test\Service2 and we expose only the action1 and action2 method 
    'service2' => array(
      'class' => 'ssa\test\Service2',
      'methods' => array('action1','action2')

// the second way to do this is the registerService function, you can only register one service
// or
ServiceManager::getInstance()->registerService('service4','ssa\test\Service4', array('action1'));

Configure SSA

SSA can be configured, the configuration can be in the configuration.php file.


include 'autoload.php';

use ssa\Configuration;

    'debug' => true, // if debug is true the generated javascript file are not minimized
    'cacheMode' => 'file', // if the cache is configured this cache mode is use, this can be file,apc,memcache,no(default)
    'cacheDirectory' => '', // if the cacheMode is file, this parameter is mandatory, this is the directory where the cache is put
    'memcacheHost' => '', // if the cacheMode is memcache is set this parameter is mandatory
    'memcachePort' => ''// if the cacheMode is memcache is set this parameter is mandatory

// the configuration can be do like this, example

/service register/

Add type support

If default type support of ssa is not suffisant, you can define your own type support. You have two way to do this, add simple a type support (for object, or for parameter), or create a new ParameterResolver who resolve primitive and object. A default ParameterResolver exists, it can resolve primitiveType, array, object, and \DataTime.

The first method to add a type resolver is add directly into the default type resolver. _configuration.php_

/ register services, and configure ssa */

use ssa\runner\resolver\impl\DefaultParameterResolver;
$defaultParameter = DefaultParameterResolver::createDefaultParameterResolver();
$defaultParameter->addObjectResolver(new MyObjectResolver());
$defaultParameter->addPrimitiveResolver(new MyPrimitiveResolver());

Your own ObjectResolver and your ParameterResolver need impements ssa\runner\resolver\ObjectResolver, ssa\runner\resolver\PrimitiveResolver. see documentation of PrimitiveResolver and ObjectResolver.

Or you can create your own ParameterResolver (not recommended). your ParameterResolver need implement ssa\runner\resolver\ParameterResolver.


include 'configuration.php';

use ssa\runner\ServiceRunner;
// get the service and the action : HelloWorld.sayHello
list($service, $action) = explode('.', $_GET['service']);

// create the service runner
$serviceRunner = new ServiceRunner($service, new MyParameterResolver());
// run the action with get parameters
echo $serviceRunner->runAction($action, $_GET);

Create an encoder

The encoder is use for encode your function return into javascipt value. The default encoder is the JsonEncoder, this encoder can convert primitive type, array, and object. Objects are convert with getter methods, each getter is convert into a JSON property. If you need you can create your own encoder, you can do this, it's simple. On your service action you need to add @Encoder annotation. Service.php

class Service {
   * @Encoder(\MyEncoder)
   * @param string $firstParameter
   * @return string
  public function action($firstParameter) {
    return $firstParameter;

The action method use MyEncoder for convert the return on JSON or other format. Your encoder must implements ssa\runner\converter\Encoder, or extends ssa\runner\converter\DefaultJsonEncoder.


Il you want use SSA you have many solution.

Use with symfony

An other project allow to simply add this project into your symfony project. see ssa/symfony.

Use the standalone version

The standalone version is enable.

Download with Composer

The first solution is to use a project with composer, you can just add ssa/core dependencies.

Download without composer

If you don't want use composer, you can add ssa into you project.

  • Downlaod the project
  • Add the project into your own project
  • Update your autoloader for autoload the ssa classes. `php function __autoload($className) { if (strpos($className, 'ssa\') == 0) { $file = str_replace('\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $className) . '.php'; include $YOUR_INSTALATION_DIRECTORY.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file; } } `
  • Install doctrine/annotations and doctrine/cache
  • You are ready to use SSA

Controller creation

For use the standalone version of SSA you need to use two php file, one to create javascript service, one to run the php controller. this two php files, need to use configuration php file for register your services.


include 'autoload.php';

use ssa\ServiceManager;
use ssa\Configuration;

// configure the ssa framework
    'debug' => true
// registrer your services
    'HelloWorld' => array('class' => 'ssa\toEndTest\HelloWorld')


include 'configuration.php';

use ssa\runner\ServiceRunner;
// get the service and the action : HelloWorld.sayHello
list($service, $action) = explode('.', $_GET['service']);

// create the service runner
$serviceRunner = new ServiceRunner($service);
// run the action with get parameters
echo $serviceRunner->runAction($action, array_merge($_POST, $_FILES));


include 'configuration.php';

use ssa\converter\JavascriptConverter;
use ssa\converter\SimpleUrlFactory;

// url use to call php services
$url = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],0, strrpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/'));
// url factory use for create the service run url (your run.php file)
$factory = new SimpleUrlFactory("http://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$url/run.php?service={action}&test=true");
// create the converter convert the service into Javascript service, service use $_GET parameter
$converter = new JavascriptConverter($_GET['service'], $factory);

echo $converter->convert();

for example for get javascript HelloWorld service the url is _http://localhost/javascript.php?service=HelloWorld_

finaly you need include ssa.js into you javascript folder.

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User Comments (1)
this is a very good class ;)
2 years ago (pooya sabramooz)